Contact Kirsten I live in the Midwest of the US, work for an insurance company, and have an extremely cute cat. No open listings No followed people 3 received reviews (100% positive, 3/3) As always, Kirsten is perfect at communicating and returns the pen spotless and pristine. Such a joy to rent a pen to her Lisa M about listing Narwhal Schuylkill Fountain Pen in Porpita Navy (Fine) 6 months ago. Kirsten is a delight to rent a pen to. Great communicator and always returns the pens in pristine condition. Thanks Kristen! Lisa M about listing Nahvalur Nautilus Stylophora Berry (Fine) 1 year ago. Pen was returned in pristine condition - clean and safely packaged. Good communications. Kirsten is a wonderful person to rent a pen to! Lisa M about listing Princess Kaguya Shikiori Japanese Fairy Tale (Medium Fine) 1 year ago. Contact Kirsten