Contact Stephanie I'm a writer, I live in Wales, and I loooooove fountain pens! No open listings No followed people 5 received reviews (100% positive, 5/5) Another successful penshare to Stephanie. The TWSBI was returned in time, cleaned and in good condition! Pleasure! Mary about listing TWSBI 580 ALR Medium Prussian Blue 11 months ago. Thanks Stephanie for the safe and timely return of the Leonardo. A pleasure to penshare with you! :o) Jon R about listing Leonardo Momento Zero "Il Bacio del Diavolo" (EF, F, B) 1 year ago. Thank you for the safe and timely return of the etsie. It has been a pleasure sharing pens with you Leanne about listing *ON HIRE* Esterbrook Estie Cobalt Blue (f, m, b nib) 1 year ago. Show all reviews Contact Stephanie