Pelikan M205 Demonstrator (EF, F, M, B)

Pelikan Classic M205 Demonstrator fountain pen. This special edition pen has a translucent barrel which gives a clear view of the differential piston mechanism.

Purchased from

The pen comes with a choice of EF, F, M & B nibs! You can request just one, or all of them!

Filling system:
Piston filler

Unposted: approx 120mm
Posted: approx 147mm



Replacement Value:

Shipping cost is for UK only - 1st class recorded delivery. Not available to hire outside the UK.

Pen will be shipped in a reusable cardboard. If you hire any additional nibs, these will be sent in the same box, all packed in foam in an individual nib box. Please return all packaging as it was sent.

Other instructions:

Choice of ink:
I have a wide range of inks and these are all listed on my profile. If you'd rather receive the pen empty, that's fine too - just let me know.

Country: United Kingdom
Availability check: Available
Brand: Pelikan
Pen price (not rental value): £100 - £250
Pen type: Modern
Nib width: Multiple nibs available
Nib speciality: None
Nib material: Steel

Public discussion (2)

Andra K

4 years ago

Excellent tester set to play with the different nibs. They're small, light pens with a short section, and I was worried initially that the threads would not be pleasant on my fingers, but I was very happy with how the pen sat in my hand. If you grip tightly, the threads might not be good. All the nibs are very smooth, and I didn't find much difference between the Fine and Medium. The Extra-Fine and Broad were as they should be. The whole process of hire was smooth, communication with Jon was excellent. A great way to check a pen you're considering buying!

Wendi N

1 month ago

Hiya, all nibs please.

I haven’t a clue which ink to have in the pens so feel free to surprise me with an interesting teal/blue (same colour in both pens) so I can compare

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