TWSBI Diamond 580 (EF, F, M, B or 1.1mm stub nibs)

The very popular mid range piston filler demonstrator from TWSBI. Smooth cap, faceted barrel, smooth piston knob.

Choice of EF, F, M, B or 1.1mm stub nibs.

Filling system:
Piston filler

Unposted: approx 130mm
Posted: approx 175mm (not - it does not post very securely onto the end of the piston knob)



Replacement Value:
£90 (including the 2 spare nibs)

Shipping cost is for UK only. Not available to hire outside the UK.

Pen will be shipped in its original box. Please return in this box.

Other instructions:
Please return the 2 spare nibs if supplied.

Choice of ink:
I have a wide range of inks and these are all listed on my profile. If you'd rather receive the pen empty, that's fine too - just let me know.

Country: United Kingdom
Availability check: On hire
Brand: TWSBI
Pen price (not rental value): £50 - £100
Pen type: Modern
Nib width: Multiple nibs available
Nib speciality: None
Nib material: Steel

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