London Pen Co Christopher (13) Junior (multiple nib sizes)

Hire cost:
Hire this London Pen Co Christpher (13) Junior for just £2.00 per week!

Description (from the London Pen Co website):
"The Christopher, named for my late father, was designed with him in mind. As he was a big fan of Mont Blanc and Pelikan, I wanted to design a pen that he would enjoy. He didn’t post his pens when he wrote so this pen was designed with that in mind. He also only wore golf shirts so a clip was unnecessary. He was a big believer in simple lists to organize his day and therefore used his pens every day. It was green ink or nothing for him. It was originally designed with a number 5 section and nib, but the at quickly proved to be too small and it was adapted to take a #6. I think he would be proud of this pen and how well it is selling and has been received.

I was asked if I could make a batch of Christopher 13s but shorter. I figured if one person thought the Christopher was too long then maybe there were others. As it was just a modification of an existing model it was easier to accomplish that I had thought. With a Cap and section Identical to the original Christopher and a body that is shorter with the same taper but over a shorter distance the new model will appeal to those with smaller hands."

This particular model is made from Brooks Black Cherry Koi material.

Filling system:
Cartridge converter

Unposted: approx 126mm
Posted: N/A does not post

As new


Replacement Value:

Shipping cost is for UK only. Not available to hire outside the UK.

Pen will be shipped in a reusable box. Please return in this box.

Other instructions:

Choice of ink:
By default, the pen will be empty and clean. But I do have a wide range of inks which are all listed on my profile. If you fancy trying something, let me know and I'll either fill the pen or send a sample (depending on ease of packaging etc)

Country: United Kingdom
Availability check: Available
Brand: London Pen Co
Pen price (not rental value): £100 - £250
Pen type: Modern
Nib width: Multiple nibs available
Nib speciality: None
Nib material: Steel

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