Esterbrook Estie Honeycomb (choice of EF or B nib)

Description (from the Esterbrook website):
"This version of the Estie is a tribute to the prismatic beauty of a light-filled Honeycomb. Honey is as old as history itself. Used for more than 8000 years by ancient civilizations as a gift to the Gods, archaeologists excavating Egypt’s famous pyramids discovered tombs that contained still-edible 3000 year-old honey. Bees also know the magic of crystallized honey, storing and using it for food as fall arrives and winter approaches. The Estie Honeycomb is flecked with the colors of rich amber, golden sunsets, and is reminiscent of the rainbow of rustling leaves underfoot.."

Filling system:
Cartridge converter

Unposted: approx 128mm
Posted: approx 172mm

Brand new


Replacement Value:

Shipping cost is for UK only, 1st class signed for, insured up to the replacement value. Not available to hire outside the UK.

Pen will be shipped in a reusable cardboard box. Please return in this box.

Other instructions:

Choice of ink:
I have a wide range of inks and these are all listed on my profile. If you'd rather receive the pen empty, that's fine too - just let me know.

Country: United Kingdom
Availability check: Available
Brand: Esterbrook
Pen price (not rental value): £100 - £250
Pen type: Modern
Nib width: Multiple nibs available
Nib speciality: None
Nib material: Steel

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