
Lifelong pen fancier who's finally given up pretending they're not a collector. Making a hobby of journalling for mental health and to justify having 20+ pens inked and on rotation at any given time.

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17 received reviews (100% positive, 17/17)

Thanks Kris for the safe and timely return of the Scribo. So glad you liked it! Thanks too for your customary nice note. Always a pleasure to penshare with you!

Jon R about listing SCRIBO Africa 1 month ago.

Great share. Returned safe, clean and on time. Many thanks!

Dan W about listing Benu Talisman Tiger's Eye <F, M or B> 4 months ago.

My Pelikan was returned well packed, on time, and pristine. Thanks! 10/10 would penshare again

Eadwine B about listing Pelikan M800 7 months ago.