Jaqui S

As well as loving fountain pens I’m an animal lover and avid knitter/crocheter.

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8 received reviews (100% positive, 8/8)

Thanks for your inky order Jaqui! Enjoy!

Jon R about listing Iroshizuku Fuyu-Gaki 4ml 7 months ago.

Thanks Jaqui for the safe (by hand!) return of the Onoto, MB 149, Estie and Conklin. All clean and in perfect condition. Thanks for your ongoing support for pensharing and naturally I’d be happy to hire to you again, any time :o)

Thanks Jaqui for the safe and timely return of this JG6, the Lamy 2000, the vintage Pelikan and the Gazing Far - all in perfect condition. A pleasure to hire to you as always! :o)