
Pencil enthusiast with a new interest in the fountain pen game.

Ink on deck:
Pilot Iroshizuku: Kon Peki, Yama Budo, Shin Ryoku, Hana Ikada

Monteverde: Rose Noir

Robert Oster: Peppermint, Fire and Ice, Australian Blue Sky

KWZ: Old Gold, Sheen Machine 1

Wearingeul: Resurrection, A Taxidermied Genius

Sailor Studio: #160

Diamine: Aqua Lagoon, Pelham Blue, Florida Blue, Beau Blue, Soft Mint, Writer's Blood, Gingerbread, Sepia, Ancient Copper, Passion Red, Candy Cane, Amber, Honey Burst, Coral, Scarlet, Cerise, Hope Pink, Claret

All pens will be shipped in a box - please return in same box. Can supply pens empty or with a choice of ink mentioned above.

3 open listings

1 followed person

4 received reviews (100% positive, 4/4)

Thank you for sending your lovely pen with such a kind note. It is a joy to be part of the pen sharing community and so wonderful to be able to try this very nice pen!

Galine F about listing Pilot Custom 74 14k (M) 4 months ago.

Thank you very much for the loan of your beautiful pens

Fatima B about listing Pilot Custom 74 14k (M) 3 years ago.

Fast delivery of pen with a lovely note, and a polite reminder message for me to follow the process to release funds. Would recommend

Natalie A about listing Pilot Custom 74 14k (M) 3 years ago.